

Mortgagee Clause Database

Empowering Insurance Professionals and Carriers with Accurate and Reliable Mortgagee Clause Information.

What LendPrecision gives you

Robust Database

List of mortgagee clauses.

From APIs, to a searchable database, we have the solution for your needs.

Stop chasing payments and mortgagee updates and focus on generating revenue.

Why work with LendPrecision

Our Story

We spent years searching for mortgagee clauses, updating policies, and resending proof of insurance. We realized no comprehensive list of mortgagee clauses exists. LendPrecision was born.

Our Vision

Our goal is to become the go-to resource for insurance professionals, offering them the tools and information they need to quickly and efficiently manage mortgagee clauses, while also reducing the risk of errors and delays. We envision a future where the industry operates with greate efficiency and ease, and our platform plays a key role in making that vision a reality.

Our People

Our background is property & casualty insurance and we understand how, where, and when our data is used during the policy lifecycle.

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